Breeding Bird Atlas II | University of South Florida Research | Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
Breeding Bird Atlas II

Breeding Bird Atlas II

The Breeding Bird Atlas II from the Florida Ornithological Society (FOS) is a special publication of FOS, which has been formatted, hosted, and archived by the University of South Florida Libraries. Grid-based atlases are efforts to document systematically the occurrence of plant or animal species within a given area.

This project is currently in development and new content will be added as it is made available. The project is estimated to be fully complete in February 2024.

Editor's note: The Breeding Bird Atlas II editorial team are aware that the distribution and change detection maps display inaccurate information for some species. We are working to correct mapping inconsistencies and revised maps will be posted as they become available.


Browse the Breeding Bird Atlas II Collections:

BBA II Frontmatter

BBAII Species Accounts

Diane Pierce Bird Species Drawings