Document Type
Statistical Report
Publication Date
This report identifies the quality and trends of Florida's surface waters, the causes of water quality problems and the present cleanup activities conducted by DER and EPA to improve these problem areas. The assessment was accomplished by analyzing the available STORET water quality data for the 1970-1985 time period (STORET is EPA's computerized water quality data base). Data from approximately 97,000 water quality samples were assessed in this report which necessitated the extensive use of computer analysis. The computer analysis required assigning STORET stations to their respective EPA reaches. The EPA reach designation is a convenient national numbering system similar to zip codes which uniquely identifies portions of streams, lakes and estuaries.
Rights Information
Scholar Commons Citation
Hand, Joe; Tauxe, Victoria; Watts, John; and Bureau of Water Quality Management - Division of Environmental Programs, "1986 Florida Water Quality Assessment 305(b) Technical Report" (1986). Reports. 8.
Submitted in accordance with the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Public Law 92-500 Section 305(b)