Nutrient enrichment studies of Tampa Bay phytoplankton general information and laboratory procedures
Document Type
Statistical Report
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In response to the requirement by DER, the City of Tampa, Department of Sanitary Sewers, has contracted with Dr. Vargo at USF-MSI to conduct nutrient enrichment experiments using the U.S. EPA approved "Marine Algal Assay Procedure: Bottle Test" (U.S. EPA 1974) with the green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta as the assay organism. Refer to the USF study plan (Vargo 1993) for details of this bioassay test. All field sampling for the USF bioassay will be performed by City of Tampa Bay Study Group (COT-BSG) personnel. Laboratory analyses of ambient nutrient concentrations will be done by the EPC laboratory and possible by the COT chemical laboratory.
In addition to the USF study, the COT-BSG will conduct in-house phytoplankton nutrient bioassay using natural Tampa Bay phytoplankton populations. These experiments will be conducted simultaneously with the USF bioassays.
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Scholar Commons Citation
City of Tampa Department of Sanitary Sewers, "Nutrient enrichment studies of Tampa Bay phytoplankton general information and laboratory procedures" (1993). Reports. 46.