Document Type
Statistical Report
Publication Date
Whereas ambient surface water monitoring in Pinellas County had been limited and sporadic in the past, there has recently been a renewed interest in monitoring programs. Partly this has been encouraged by the activities of the National Estuary Program and the mandates of the federal NPDES Municipal Storm Sewer permitting program. In the case of Pinellas County, the County's Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1989, mandated the implementation of ambient water quality monitoring in the waters of the County. The first annual report of monitoring results was published in December, 1992 (Moores, et. al., 1992).
This is the second annual report compiled by the Department of Environmental Management's Water Resource Section. The report covers the 52 major drainage basins that make up Pinellas County as well as surrounding surface waters. Physical and chemical parameters of water quality were measured at over 100 sites throughout the County.
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Scholar Commons Citation
Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management-Water Resources Management Section; Moores, Donald; Quinn, Earl "Gene"; Leasure, Pamela; Page, Nancy; Anderson, Mariben; Coats, Sean; Myers, Susan; Hicks, Donald; and Baltus, Lisa, "Ambient Surface Water Monitoring Report, Data Year January, 1992 - December, 1992 Pinellas County, Florida" (1994). Reports. 36.