Document Type
Statistical Report
Publication Date
The Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Act charges the Environmental Protection Commission with the function of establishing, operating and maintaining a continuous program for monitoring water pollution. A county-wide water quality surveillance network has been designed to provide accurate data and information as to whether the requirements of the Act are being complied with and whether the level of water pollution is increasing or decreasing throughout the county.
Comparison of this 1973 and 1974 data with similar sampling during 1972 permitted evaluation of trends, effectiveness of local control programs, relative contributions from individual sources, general effectiveness of the monitoring network, as well as aiding considerably in water management.
This broad base of water data obtained during 1972-1974 provide useful background data for eventual development, revision and enforcement of regulations, standard effluent limitation plans, or programs established under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972.
Rights Information
Scholar Commons Citation
Cardinale, T.; Dunn, C.; Powell, R.; Shaw, A.; and Wilkins, R., "Water Quality 1973 - 1974 Hillsborough County, Florida" (1975). Reports. 33.
Grateful appreciation is extended to these individuals whose cooperation helped make possible this 1973-1974 Water Quality Report.
Hillsborough County E. P. C. water sampling and water laboratory staff previously listed who collected and analyzed Water Quality samples.
Authors of below Chapters:
T. Cardinale
C. Dunn
R. Powell
A. Shaw
R. Wilkins
Computer and Wang programming, and statistical analyses primarily by Don Coleman.
SYMAP, cartography, and calculations by Don Coleman, Lloyd Lowry, and Richard Hunt.
Typing by Fran Darnell, Silvia Perez, and Rosemary Ruglass.
Cover by Melinda Holland and Lloyd Lowry.