Document Type

Statistical Report

Publication Date



The following report describes in detail the elements of a literature search performed for the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), Department of Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM). The work was performed in accordance with the agreement between the District and Mote Marine Laboratory (MML), and comprises Task 3.0 (Literature Search) of the project entitled, "Tampa Bay Water Quality Assessment- Determination of Environmental Requirements of Selected Populations."



The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation to the many scientists who took time to respond to requests of both their time and resources during the compilation of this data base. These individuals are listed in Section IV of this report. Their warm reception and eagerness to contribute made this task an enjoyable as well as interesting experience. Gratitude is also extended to Ms. Roselyn Leon for document preparat ion, Ms. Jean Magu ire for assistance in computer-based literature searches, Dr. Carl A. Luer for translations, Ms. Susan Lowrey for document proofing and editing and Ms. Linda Franklin for preparing the final report.
