Document Type

Statistical Report

Publication Date



This volume contains documentation of the calibration and verification (validation) of the hydraulic and water quality models used in the wasteload allocation study (WLA) of Tampa Bay, Florida. The first two volumes in this series contain the derivation and theory behind the mathematical formulation and solution techniques. The study was performed for the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) by the University of South Florida (USF). The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of alternate discharge loading on the water quality of Tampa Bay.


Credit for authorship of this report is of a much expanded list than that of the principal authors shown. Too many students have contributed countless hours to vital components of the models and to this report to individually list here. Many are credited in the historic review (1.2) included in the first chapter. No less reward should be given to all of the research team (more than twenty qualified professionals and students) compiled during this contract period, their dedication is sincerely appreciated. Special note must be made of the following individuals: Ms. Paula Jerkins for her continued dedication; she remains the single most valuable research assistant in the 15 plus years of modeling bay area waters. Special thanks go to Henry Dorzback, Louis McTague, and Larry Sanders for their contributions. Diane Goble was invaluable in the overall preparation of this document. Jim Devine contributed greatly to the hydraulic model documentation and numerical considerations. Scott McClelland's, Ray Walton's, and John Hartigan's review and comments of the rough draft helped locate so many of the tedious typographical and oversight errors. And, last, the inspiration, experience, and support given by my father, Bernard E. Ross, over so many years has made co-authorship of this report something very special.
