Document Type
Statistical Report
Publication Date
The objectives of the second year of study in the Little Manatee River and Tampa Bay focused on providing 1 information on the growth and production dynamics of several size classes of phytoplankton in the river/bay system and their response to nitrogen additions.
Field collections were done simultaneously with water quality sampling between February, 1989 and January, 1990.
Rights Information
Scholar Commons Citation
Vargo, Gabriel A., "Phytoplankton studies in the Little Manatee River and Tampa Bay: Species composition, size fractionated chlorophyll, primary production, and nitrogen enrichment studies" (1991). Reports. 15.
Funding for this project was provided by the Surface Water and Improvement and Management Program (SWIM) of the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Much of the work on this project was carried out by several graduate students in the Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida. Initially, Deborah Howard was responsible for the field sampling and the nutrient enrichment studies. Paloma Rodriguez replaced Deborah in this position after several months of sampling. William Richardson was responsible for the size fractionated primary production experiments for most of the project. In addition to the hours they all spent doing the actual laboratory work, countless hours were spent on data reduction, data entry, sorting, calculating and plotting graphs. There is no way to appropriately thank them for their efforts except to give them all a heart-felt Thank You. The study could not have been done without them.