Document Type
Statistical Report
Publication Date
Each year the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council's Agency on Bay Management develops a report on the condition of the Tampa Bay estuary to identify activities and actions that have taken place during the previous year. This is the sixth "State of Tampa Bay" prepared under adopted rules of the Agency. Since the Legislature now meets earlier in the calender year, this report contains activities in 1991 and 1992 to accommodate this timing change.The purpose of the "State of Tampa Bay" is to • serve as a reference for projects, programs and organizations that affect the bay and its watershed • identify the condition of Tampa Bay over the past year, and • describe activities and issues that have been addressed by the Council's Agency on Bay Management.
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Scholar Commons Citation
Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) and Agency on Bay Management, "State of Tampa Bay 1991-92" (1993). Reports. 111.