The Transatlantic Undead: Zombies in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures
Estimados lectores, Alambique se complace en sacar su segundo monográfico. Esta vez abordamos un tema poco estudiado en el mundo iberoamericano, el fenómeno de los zombies trasatlánticos. El volumen ha sido dirigido por los profesores David Dalton (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) y Sara Potter (The University of Texas, El Paso). Esperamos que lo disfruten. ////////////////////// Caros leitores, Alambique tem o prazer de lançar seu secunda monografia. Desta vez, abordamos um tema pouco estudado no mundo ibero-americano, o fenômeno dos zumbis transatlânticos. O volume foi liderado pelos professores David Dalton (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) e Sara Potter (The University of Texas, El Paso).. Esperamos que o desfrutem.////////////////////// Dear Readers, Alambique is pleased to release its second monographic study. On this occasion, we focus on a topic not too studied in the Ibero-American world, the phenomenon of the transatlantic zombies. The volume has been directed by professors David Dalton (University of North Carolina, at Charlotte) and Sara Potter (The University of Texas, at El Paso). We hope you enjoy it.Articles
Introduction: The Transatlantic Undead: Zombies in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures
David Dalton and Sara Potter
Zombies and Immune Discourses in Hazael González’s “Luna de sangre sobre Lepanto”
Kiersty Lemon-Rogers
Los niños perdidos zombis: La España postsecular y los descontentos con la memoria histórica en [REC]2
Antonio Córdoba
The Heart of a Zombie: Dominican Literature's Sentient Undead
Emily A. Maguire
Postcolonial Pandemics and Undead Revolutions: Contagion as Resistance in Con Z de Zombie and Juan de los muertos
Sara A. Potter
Antropofagia, Calibanism, and the Post-Romero Zombie: Cannibal Resistance in Latin America and the Caribbean
David S. Dalton
Eating the Past: Proto-Zombies in Brazilian Fiction 1900-1955
M. Elizabeth Ginway