Jordan Peele’s Nope: Not Your Traditional Hollywood Blockbuster

Presenter Information

Jonathan Davis


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Dr. Scott Ferguson


Jordan Peele’s 2022 film, Nope, was intended to be his own version of a “horror blockbuster” that is presented with an African American dominated cast, something not commonly seen within the film industry or Hollywood blockbusters. Peele utilizes various abstract qualities in creating his own unique blockbuster, conveying a certain message of acknowledgement regarding the unnoticed African American construction of cinema. Furthermore, Peele is also bringing audiences new widespread entertainment that hasn’t displayed abstract qualities to such a high extent before in Hollywood. I carried out my research by studying many crucial scenes in the film and looking at scholarly readings that detail the lack of black admiration in Hollywood’s past. I analyzed scenes that promoted black culture in the film industry as well as some that are cinematically unconventional for a blockbuster film. In these scenes, Peele subtly expresses how integral African Americans have been in the film industry since the dawn of cinema. He also places many complex scenes and symbols in the narrative that aren’t easy to follow, making the audience think about the film in a more deep and meaningful way. The creation of this intricate film may lead moviegoers to expect a new age of blockbuster cinema that pushes for racial admiration and abstraction to be projected onto the big screen. This exploration is significant because it changes the landscape of what large scale movies can be going forward, resulting in newly stylized blockbusters that promote black culture and abstract aesthetics.

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Jordan Peele’s Nope: Not Your Traditional Hollywood Blockbuster

Jordan Peele’s 2022 film, Nope, was intended to be his own version of a “horror blockbuster” that is presented with an African American dominated cast, something not commonly seen within the film industry or Hollywood blockbusters. Peele utilizes various abstract qualities in creating his own unique blockbuster, conveying a certain message of acknowledgement regarding the unnoticed African American construction of cinema. Furthermore, Peele is also bringing audiences new widespread entertainment that hasn’t displayed abstract qualities to such a high extent before in Hollywood. I carried out my research by studying many crucial scenes in the film and looking at scholarly readings that detail the lack of black admiration in Hollywood’s past. I analyzed scenes that promoted black culture in the film industry as well as some that are cinematically unconventional for a blockbuster film. In these scenes, Peele subtly expresses how integral African Americans have been in the film industry since the dawn of cinema. He also places many complex scenes and symbols in the narrative that aren’t easy to follow, making the audience think about the film in a more deep and meaningful way. The creation of this intricate film may lead moviegoers to expect a new age of blockbuster cinema that pushes for racial admiration and abstraction to be projected onto the big screen. This exploration is significant because it changes the landscape of what large scale movies can be going forward, resulting in newly stylized blockbusters that promote black culture and abstract aesthetics.