The Art of War: Examining the Impact of World War II on German Art

Presenter Information

Alyssa Tallman


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Dr. Peter N. Funke


The 1920s were a bright spot for German art, as culture flourished under the Weimar Republic. However, the 1930s brought the Nazi Party and World War II along with it, initiating an abrupt shift in all areas of German life, including the arts. Comparing German artworks of the Weimar Republic to those of the Nazi Regime reveals distinct differences in their styles, themes, and subjects. This research aims to examine these differences in an effort to better understand the effects that war and socio-political unrest has on the arts and how those effects manifest within artwork. A literature review method was utilized to conduct this research, which involved evaluating previous research on German art in the Weimar and World War II periods, as well as observing actual artwork from these times. The results show a tendency towards expressionism during the Weimar era, while art under the Nazi Regime focused heavily on classical styles and themes of heroism.

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The Art of War: Examining the Impact of World War II on German Art

The 1920s were a bright spot for German art, as culture flourished under the Weimar Republic. However, the 1930s brought the Nazi Party and World War II along with it, initiating an abrupt shift in all areas of German life, including the arts. Comparing German artworks of the Weimar Republic to those of the Nazi Regime reveals distinct differences in their styles, themes, and subjects. This research aims to examine these differences in an effort to better understand the effects that war and socio-political unrest has on the arts and how those effects manifest within artwork. A literature review method was utilized to conduct this research, which involved evaluating previous research on German art in the Weimar and World War II periods, as well as observing actual artwork from these times. The results show a tendency towards expressionism during the Weimar era, while art under the Nazi Regime focused heavily on classical styles and themes of heroism.