Economics of Data Privacy and Information Technology Adoption in Germany and the United States

Presenter Information

Liam Osman
Anzhelika Kurnikova


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Mentor Information

Dr. Peter N. Funke


Online Data and Privacy regulations in Germany are known to be among the most protective in the world. There exists many studies to date which examine the difference in usage between specific applications across Germany and other countries of the world, but limited attention has been paid to the potential future outcomes of this phenomenon. We examine the present literature regarding Germany’s privacy laws and adoption of a variety of modern information technology applications, including machine learning, carsharing applications, and Covid-19 tracking. These are compared with the trends of technology adoption and privacy regulations seen in the USA and across other nations, as well as the future projections of technological demands of the future. Although the value of privacy is non-quantifiable, conclusions are to be drawn from these data points about the future of technology adoption and related economic growth in Germany and the USA, and how different societal approaches to issues may affect the lives of citizens.

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Economics of Data Privacy and Information Technology Adoption in Germany and the United States

Online Data and Privacy regulations in Germany are known to be among the most protective in the world. There exists many studies to date which examine the difference in usage between specific applications across Germany and other countries of the world, but limited attention has been paid to the potential future outcomes of this phenomenon. We examine the present literature regarding Germany’s privacy laws and adoption of a variety of modern information technology applications, including machine learning, carsharing applications, and Covid-19 tracking. These are compared with the trends of technology adoption and privacy regulations seen in the USA and across other nations, as well as the future projections of technological demands of the future. Although the value of privacy is non-quantifiable, conclusions are to be drawn from these data points about the future of technology adoption and related economic growth in Germany and the USA, and how different societal approaches to issues may affect the lives of citizens.