Hydrotherapy: An Ayurvedic Healing


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Holly Donahue


South Asia is known for its wide variety of traditional and non-traditional medical practices. Throughout history, water has been seen and depicted as a source of life, health, and rejuvenation. In South Asia, water is even used as a treatment for certain ailments. Hydrotherapy can be defined as the use of water for the promotion of health. It was not only huge in Ancient Greece and Rome, but it was also heavily used in ancient India by Ayurvedic practitioners. Ayurvedic healing is a natural system of medicine that focuses on preventing illness as opposed to responding to the symptoms. Some of the benefits of practicing hydrotherapy include the reduction of acne, depression, arthritis, and other physical disorders. Bhutan uses hydrotherapy as a common treatment and has integrated it into the norm of medicine. In this project, we will be exploring the cultural context of hydrotherapy in Bhutan, along with its uses and benefits.

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Hydrotherapy: An Ayurvedic Healing

South Asia is known for its wide variety of traditional and non-traditional medical practices. Throughout history, water has been seen and depicted as a source of life, health, and rejuvenation. In South Asia, water is even used as a treatment for certain ailments. Hydrotherapy can be defined as the use of water for the promotion of health. It was not only huge in Ancient Greece and Rome, but it was also heavily used in ancient India by Ayurvedic practitioners. Ayurvedic healing is a natural system of medicine that focuses on preventing illness as opposed to responding to the symptoms. Some of the benefits of practicing hydrotherapy include the reduction of acne, depression, arthritis, and other physical disorders. Bhutan uses hydrotherapy as a common treatment and has integrated it into the norm of medicine. In this project, we will be exploring the cultural context of hydrotherapy in Bhutan, along with its uses and benefits.