House of Cards: How COVID-19 Housing Affects the DECK


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Dr. Donna Lee Ettel-Gambino, Ph.D.


Introduction High vaccination rates are vital to create herd immunity, especially in young adults since they have the highest incidence rates. It is essential students understand CDC protocols and the importance of the vaccine. This study aimed to determine if young adults adhere to COVID-19 protocols and how their living arrangement affects their behavior.

Materials and Methods A causal comparative approach was utilized. A multi-variance analysis of variance was conducted utilizing SAS 9.4 (Cary, North Carolina). The independent variable was the students' housing arrangement. The dependent variables were [1] belief in protection against Omicron with the vaccine; [2] agreement with COVID-19's mode of transmission; [3] residing with an immunocompromised individual(s); [4] hand-washing for a minimum of 20 seconds; [5] avoid touching their face; [6] social distancing of at least 6 feet and [7] self-isolation when ill.

Results The findings of this study identified that there were three significant findings. [1] The proportion of students (84%) who believed the vaccine protected them against Omicron variant (p

Discussion The results may be leveraged to incorporate a public policy change in equity regarding the housing arrangements for students. These changes are critical to ensure that college students understand the importance of following the CDC's protocols surrounding COVID-19 mitigation.

Conclusion Further research may be conducted to determine what colleges/universities are doing to ensure the students' compliance with COVID-19's guidelines on campus.

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House of Cards: How COVID-19 Housing Affects the DECK

Introduction High vaccination rates are vital to create herd immunity, especially in young adults since they have the highest incidence rates. It is essential students understand CDC protocols and the importance of the vaccine. This study aimed to determine if young adults adhere to COVID-19 protocols and how their living arrangement affects their behavior.

Materials and Methods A causal comparative approach was utilized. A multi-variance analysis of variance was conducted utilizing SAS 9.4 (Cary, North Carolina). The independent variable was the students' housing arrangement. The dependent variables were [1] belief in protection against Omicron with the vaccine; [2] agreement with COVID-19's mode of transmission; [3] residing with an immunocompromised individual(s); [4] hand-washing for a minimum of 20 seconds; [5] avoid touching their face; [6] social distancing of at least 6 feet and [7] self-isolation when ill.

Results The findings of this study identified that there were three significant findings. [1] The proportion of students (84%) who believed the vaccine protected them against Omicron variant (p

Discussion The results may be leveraged to incorporate a public policy change in equity regarding the housing arrangements for students. These changes are critical to ensure that college students understand the importance of following the CDC's protocols surrounding COVID-19 mitigation.

Conclusion Further research may be conducted to determine what colleges/universities are doing to ensure the students' compliance with COVID-19's guidelines on campus.