Tropical Ecology and Conservation [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

Un estudio comparativo de las actitudes ambientales en los estudiantes del 9- 12 grado en Monteverde, Costa Rica y Edina Minnesota


Brian Curran



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Publication Date

May 2009


In this study a 44-question environmental attitudes survey was given to 150 students in area schools in Monteverde, Costa Rica and Edina, Minnesota. 66 students were sampled from five schools in Monteverde and 94 students were sampled from one high school in Minnesota. The question that was addressed was whether or not: demographic, geographic, curricular, and type of school differences could explain trends in environmental attitude preferences of students that were surveyed. Statistically significant difference trends were found in questions: 4,8,12,16 and 23. However, the survey did not try to correlate demographic variables like income or level of parental education to attitude preferences. Similarly, it cannot be determined definitively to what extent demographic, geographic, curricular, and type of school differences played a role in environmental attitude selection of the students sampled.


En este estudio, se les dio una encuesta de 44 preguntas sobre actitudes ambientales a 150 estudiantes en escuelas de la zona de Monteverde, Costa Rica y Edina, Minnesota. Se tomaron muestras a 66 estudiantes de cinco escuelas en Monteverde y se tomaron muestras a 94 estudiantes de una escuela secundaria en Minnesota. La pregunta que se les hizo a los estudiantes encuestados fue si podrían explicar las tendencias en las preferencias de las actitudes ambientales y las diferencias demográficas, geográficas, curriculares, y el tipo de diferencia escolar.


High school students, Social ecology, Environmental education, CIEE Spring 2009

Palabras claves

Estudiantes de colegio, Ecología social, Educación ambiental, CIEE Primavera 2009


19 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute


English; Spanish

Media Type



Digital Only





A comparative study of environmental attitudes in 9-12th grade students in Monteverde, Costa Rica and Edina, Minnesota, May 2009



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