
Presented as part of the 2019 USFSP Undergraduate Research Symposium held April 16, 2019.


Saint Petersburg, Florida


The purpose of this poster is to provide a visual representation of the lynching of Frazier Baker, as well as demonstrate significant places of interest regarding the case. Frazier B. Baker, was the first black postmaster in South Carolina. He was lynched in 1898 after refusing to resign from his government position. One primary objective was identifying the location of the case. Rather than being positioned exactly where the lynching occurred, the marker is roughly a mile or so away, closer to the center of Lake City. A major issue we encountered when locating this site was that the location of the marker gives the wrong impression. Research regarding this incident is scattered, and some documents are inconsistent. Looking at various maps made the research more clear, as well as reading old documents. Identifying the correct location of an archaeological site is vital in any archaeological process. Our research and data revolves around the location of the lynching, and any other possible relative areas.



“We Drew a Map to a Better Place”

Saint Petersburg, Florida

The purpose of this poster is to provide a visual representation of the lynching of Frazier Baker, as well as demonstrate significant places of interest regarding the case. Frazier B. Baker, was the first black postmaster in South Carolina. He was lynched in 1898 after refusing to resign from his government position. One primary objective was identifying the location of the case. Rather than being positioned exactly where the lynching occurred, the marker is roughly a mile or so away, closer to the center of Lake City. A major issue we encountered when locating this site was that the location of the marker gives the wrong impression. Research regarding this incident is scattered, and some documents are inconsistent. Looking at various maps made the research more clear, as well as reading old documents. Identifying the correct location of an archaeological site is vital in any archaeological process. Our research and data revolves around the location of the lynching, and any other possible relative areas.

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