Marine Science Faculty Publications

Atmospheric Correction of Seawifs Imagery: Assessment of the Use of Alternative Bands

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Spatial inhomogeneity, or speckling, frequently occurs in Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (Sea-WiFS) data products such as water-leaving radiance and chlorophyll concentration. We have found that this effect may be caused by high-altitude aerosols or thin cirrus clouds or even by digitization errors. For the scenes evaluated, whitecaps were ruled out as a likely cause of these errors. We tried to avoid using the 765-nm band, which is affected by O2 absorption and is more sensitive to digitization errors, by instead using the 670-nm band in the atmospheric correction and found that speckling for either cloud-free areas or cloud-adjacent areas was significantly reduced.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Applied Optics, v. 39, issue 21, p. 3573-3581
