
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing



In ever increasingly competitive and challenging environments concerning the tourism industry worldwide, Game Theory is called upon to study scenarios of conflict and cooperation to help determine the most likely outcomes of tourism players striving to maximize their positions. Prof. Jean Tavares ́ latest manuscript ́Game Theory – Applied to Tourism ́ provides a solid theoretical backdrop supported by the practical application of a variety of case studies. In a simplified and reader-friendly manner, the book takes the reader through the depths of this fascinating field of study making it accessible and enjoyable.

Prof. Tavares ́ extensive experience and publications on Game Theory combined with his knowledge and passion for the tourism industry are reflected in the array of the easy-to-understand examples offered in this book. Prof. Tavares ́ book provides the most current and highly valuable resource for both novice and most seasoned readers interested in the topic.

Prof. Giancarlo Fedeli, PhD

Professor Department of Business

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems (IMC Fachhochschule Krems), Austria



Recommended Citation

Tavares, J. M. (2022). Game theory – Applied to tourism. M3Publising. https://doi.org/10.5038/9781955833066

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