"Online gastronomy image: Content analysis of TripAdvisor reviews of restaurants in Istanbul" by Rana Sat

University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


Nowadays, where technology forms a large part of our lives, with the increase of comment sites, consumers benefit from these comment pages at the stage of purchasing decision. In this way, they get information about the destination region by reading more reviews or sharing their experiences in the social environment. Evaluations on social networking sites affect individuals’ decision-making and purchasing behaviors, as well as positively or negatively in the mentioned restaurants. Based on this situation, user comments on restaurants in Istanbul on TripAdvisor.com were analyzed in this study. For this purpose, 17921 user comments made in various languages between 01.10.2022 and 30.01.2023 for the first twenty restaurants in Istanbul with the highest score on the TripAdvisor site were examined. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis and the variables that affect the restaurants positively or negatively were classified. As a result of the research, it was determined that the comments concentrated on 17918 positive comments, respectively. In addition, it has been observed that the words amazing, delicious, beautiful, fast service, excellent, perfect service, super place, satisfaction are frequently emphasized in the comments.



Recommended Citation

Şat, R. (2023). Online gastronomy image: Content analysis of TripAdvisor reviews of restaurants in Istanbul. In F. Okumus, B. Denizci-Guillet, M. Tuna, & S. Dogan (Eds.), Advances in managing tourism across continents (Vol. 3, pp. 1–10). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833097

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