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EuroSpeleo Magazine

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Contents: Speleodiversity EuroSpeleo Forum 2012 -- Spelaion 2012: Where to Spend "The End of the World" -- 2013: The FFS is 50 (French Federation of Speleology) -- The "Speleological Abstracts" the World's Bibliography on Caves and Karst -- The first explorations of the caves of Valcellina in Barcis, Italy -- Activities and Research of G.S. Pradis 2006-2011 -- Interview Ciril Mlinar Cic -- First Steps in the Dark -- Speleo Columbia 2011-2012: In the Depths of the Rosablanca Limestone -- Bulgarian-Chinese-Greek Speleological Expedition "Gaoligongshan'2011" Expedition -- The Largest Suffusion (Piping) Caves in Sandstones of Northwest Russia -- "El Bucio": Discovery of the most recent lava tube of gran canaria (Canary Islands) -- A Retrospective of Rock Art in Caves -- Coliboaia Cave: Prehistoric Art between Eastern and Western Europe -- Cave Sniper -- The Gourdeval network: a new publication on the second cavity of Doubs (France) -- Underground fauna and flora of the cave register area Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland -- Jean Corbel a French geographer -- Urs Widmer an Obituary by his Caver Friends

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English, French, Italian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Spanish, and Romanian





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