Effects of Cave Tours on Breeding Myotis velifer
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Publication Date
July 2002
Human activity in caves can affect bats adversely, especially bats that assemble in maternity colonies where appropriate roosts are restricted to areas with a narrow range of microclimates necessary to raise young. We assessed behavioral responses of a maternity colony of about 1,000 cave myotis (Myotis velifer) to experimental cave tours by manipulating 3 factors: size of tour groups, whether tour groups talked, and a combination of light intensity and color used to illuminate trails. We also considered the effects of distances between bat roosts and the tour group as well as season. We measured 4 behavioral responses of bats: number of takeoffs, number of landings, activity level, and vocalization intensity. Light intensity affected bat behavior most; all bat responses were highest in trials with high-intensity white light and lowest in trials with no light. When tour groups talked, takeoffs, landings, and activity level increased. Size of tour groups and treatment interactions did not affect bat behaviors. When bats roosted near the tour route, takeoffs and activity level increased. In addition, all behavioral responses increased as the maternity season progressed. Designing cave tours to minimize short-term effects on bats will require careful consideration of cave lighting and tour frequency, route location, and noise levels.
Arizona, Bats, Cave Management, Cave Myotis, Human Disturbance, Karchner Caverns, Maternity Roost, Mytosis Velifer, Recreational Caving
Document Type
The Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 66, no. 3 (2002-07).
Recommended Citation
Mann, Sherry L.; Steidl, Robert J.; and Dalton, Virginia M., "Effects of Cave Tours on Breeding Myotis velifer" (2002). KIP Articles. 1506.