Home > Open Access Journals > JSS > Vol. 7 > Volume 7, No. 4, Special Issue Winter 2014: Future Challenges in Drone Geopolitics
Author Biography
Michael C. Heatherly is a doctoral student in Public Administration at Valdosta State University. He is a police officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma with nine years of law enforcement experience. Prior to entering law enforcement, he served as a US Marine infantryman in Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan.
Subject Area Keywords
Homeland security, Law enforcement, National security
One of the most enduring problems confronted by a free society is the method through which law and order are maintained. There is an inherent tradeoff between freedom and the preservation of order through the construct and enforcement of laws. These attributes alone could be the subject of great debate. However, the United States and many other modern nations are experiencing a proliferation of technology that greatly enhances the sensory and capabilities of the user. If that user is the government, the debate over apparent intrusions into the lives of private citizens is amplified. The questions examined by this article are; should advanced technologies be used by law enforcement agencies? Is the government overstepping their Constitutional constraints by employing advanced technologies? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of the uses of such technologies?
Recommended Citation
Heatherly, Michael C.. "Drones: The American Controversy." Journal of Strategic Security 7, no. 4 (2014)
: 25-37.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/1944-0472.7.4.3
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