
Author Biography

Dr. Marco Goli is an Associate Professor at Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, where he is involved in comparative research programs at the national and international (EU) level. Dr. Goli's research focuses on the relationship between the Market, the Welfare state, the Civic Society, and the available alternative strategies towards socioeconomic mobility in different discursive and institutional settings.

Dr. Shahamak Rezaei is an Associate Professor and Head of Social Studies at Roskilde University, Denmark, Department of Society & Globalisation. The main focus of Dr. Rezaei's research is Economic Sociology, including ethnic entrepreneurship, globalization, and networks. His recent publications include Trust as a Co-Opetitive Strategy in a Global Co-Ethnic Market, The Emigrating Immigrants, Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in Denmark. The authors may be contacted at: shre@ruc.dk.



Subject Area Keywords

Counterterrorism, Ideology, Islamic culture and politics, Nonstate actors, Radicalization, Sociocultural dynamics in security, Terrorism / counterterrorism, Violent extremism


It has been suggested that alienation and failed integration may be causes of "Homegrown Radical Islamism" in Western societies. Western countries often expect that migrants and their descendants residing there as citizens will embrace or support common democratic ideals as a predicate for—or consequence of—their societal integration. Conventional wisdom suggests: "The more you associate yourself with the cherished and established goals and means, the more you will disassociate yourself from Radical Islamism," and vice versa. We believe that, quite surprisingly, an empirical test of this idea is lacking. Based on a nationally representative sample of 1,113 youth (ages 15–30) in Denmark with national ties to a"Muslim country," this study provides empirical evidence on the validity of this common assumption.
