
Author Biography

Dr. Shinu Vig is Associate Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida, a constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune, India.



Subject Area Keywords

Cybersecurity, Human rights, Science and technology & security, Social media


Deepfakes are a growing concern throughout the world including India. Deepfakes can be used for several purposes, both innocuous or malicious. In India, several problems related to regulation of deepfakes have emerged. This paper makes an examination of current legal challenges posed by deepfakes as well as solutions in India that can be repurposed to address these challenges, including intellectual property laws, criminal laws, and the right to privacy. While these existing laws can be used to address certain aspects of the deep fake problem, there is an increasing recognition that specific legislations and regulations addressing deep fakes and synthetic media are urgently needed. Moreover, substantial efforts are required to be made to raise awareness, develop countermeasures, and establish a legal framework to mitigate the risks associated with this technology.
