
Author Biography

Charlotte Huck and Nicolle Martin are students at the University of Georgia. Both girls are currently on track to graduate with their undergraduate degrees in international affairs and are both in the University of Georgia Double Dawg Masters in International Policy program.



Subject Area Keywords

Human security, International relations, Israel, Palestine, Security studies


The paper "Proposing Unique and Effective Policy Recommendations for Achieving a Lasting Two-State Solution" seeks to address the persistent hurdles in attaining peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The paper introduces a new policy proposal made up of initiatives focused on Economy and Sustainability, Education, and Regional Stability. It hypothesizes that achieving set targets in each of these areas would establish the circumstances on the ground necessary for achieving and sustaining a two-state solution. The proposal emphasizes strengthening an independent Palestinian national identity with an independent economy that can be created through economic ventures in tourism, agriculture, technology, and sustainable energy. A robust economy is crucial for a robust education system which will build lasting talent pipelines to help build and sustain the economy. Additionally, the paper proposes furthering regional peace initiatives, particularly with Saudi Arabia, to enhance regional stability. This research separates itself from conventional approaches by addressing ground-level and state concerns that contribute to the perpetuation of the conflict. By concentrating on tangible goals, the paper aims to establish the necessary groundwork for achieving a comprehensive two-state solution.


This is a student publication, which is written under the supervision of a faculty member. The Journal of Strategic Security does not subject such manuscripts through the normal peer review process. Accordingly, the views of the authors do not necessarily reflect those of JSS, our reviewers, or our Editorial Board. Our purpose is to highlight the works of young or new scholars, not to provide any further endorsement.


Professor Eli Sperling of the University of Georgia
