"Asal, Victor, Brian J. Phillips, and R. Karl Rethemeyer. Insurgent Ter" by Tricia Bacon, PhD

Author Biography

Tricia Bacon, PhD, is an Associate Professor at American University’s School of Public Affairs. She directs the Policy Anti-Terrorism Hub at American University. She is the author of Terror in Transition: Leadership and Succession in Terrorist Organizations with Columbia University Press in 2022 and Why Terrorist Organizations Form International Alliances published with University of Pennsylvania Press in May 2018. Prior to her employment at American University, Dr. Bacon worked on counterterrorism for over ten years at the Department of State. Dr. Bacon is a non-resident fellow with George Washington University's Program on Extremism and an associate fellow with the International Centre for Counter-terrorism. She serves on the Countering Terrorism & Extremism Program Advisory Council for the Middle East Institute and the editorial board of Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence, Perspectives on Terrorism, and The Journal of the Middle East and Africa.



Subject Area Keywords

Armed groups, Counterterrorism, Law enforcement, Nonstate actors, Terrorism / counterterrorism, Violent extremism
