
Author Biography

Matthew J. Flynn serves as a professor of War Studies at Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia, and studies the evolution of war. His articles, reviews, and commentary address the militarization of cyberspace and how online activism allows civilian entities to marginalize the violent acts of war in cyberspace. He also has written on topics such as preemptive war, revolutionary war and insurgency, and borders and frontiers. His book publications include, Settle and Conquer: Militarism on the Frontier of North America, 1607-1890, examining American westward expansion as a successful counterinsurgency. He also co-authored a study analyzing revolution and civil liberties and titled, Washington & Napoleon: Leadership in the Age of Revolution. Books such as First Strike: Preemptive War in Modern History, and Contesting History: The Bush Counterinsurgency Legacy in Iraq, look at preemptive warfare as national policy and counterinsurgency’s impact on national power, respectively.



Subject Area Keywords

Asymmetric warfare, Civil war and internal conflict, Cybersecurity, Democracy and democatization, Foreign policy, Geography, History, International security, Military affairs, National power, National security, Natural resources and security, Security policy, Security studies, Sociocultural dynamics in security, Space and security, War studies


The ongoing war in Ukraine appears to validate war as it always is. A look at the evolution of domains offers something different. When this step is taken, it becomes clear that humanity chooses the violence defining war. Cyber realities today reveal how technological innovation has stymied war, taking humanity into a pre-existing condition repudiating war and leaving cyberspace as the first global expression without war. Once accepting that truth, nations can contemplate the discovery of a domain offering an expression of peace as a cognitive battlespace overrides the physical application of use of force. This feat means peace finds an equal footing with war. To accept that reality so clearly manifest in the prospect of a digital peace presents a referendum on humanity bending to circumstance or twisting reality to remain in a warzone.
