This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements for final manuscript submission to Journal of Global Education and Research.
Formatting Requirements
- Please read these guidelines carefully, all formatting specifications are explained in this document, so you can prepare your manuscripts accordingly. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in your manuscript not being published.
- All files should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or docx). Please use Microsoft Word to create your manuscript. Please use US letter size (8.5in x 11in = 21.59cm x 27.94cm) paper, NOT an A4 size.
- All papers are assumed to be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The paper must be written in the third person and in English. Authors should use straightforward declarative sentences, making every effort to help readers understand the concepts presented. Please explain any acronyms or abbreviations clearly.
- All papers must be copy edited and must be free of grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. Please make sure the paper is thoroughly edited and proofread before submission. Non-native authors may consider using professional copy-editing services such as Charles Worth Group, CopyEditGlobal, Peerwith, Scribbr, and Scribendi. These companies are NOT affiliated with the University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing.
- Papers may be structured as follows: abstract (max 250 words, followed by max 6 keywords, which define the subject matter and are not included in the title); introduction; literature review; methods; findings; conclusions, implications, and further research; and references. Please avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and references to the text in the abstract.
- Full paper should be no more than 17 pages or 9000 words (including the reference list, tables, figures, acknowledgments, and appendices if applicable).
- Please use APA (7th edition) style for in-text citations, tables (if any), figures (if any), and reference list.
- All references cited in the article must be listed in the references and the names must be spelled correctly in both places (this is one point that often is overlooked). Please perform a cross-check to make sure that all citations used in the manuscript are included in the references and that all articles in the references are cited in the manuscript.
- Please make sure that all tables, figures, and charts are complete, accurate, correctly titled, and correctly referenced in the text. If any table, figure, or chart is taken directly from another publication, you need to include a release (permission to publish) from the original publisher.
- Please do NOT include the AUTHOR(s)’ NAME(s), AFFILIATION, and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS or PROJECT NUMBER in the file name BEFORE your paper is accepted.
The rest of the formatting steps below will help you format your paper according to our formatting requirements.
*We suggest you download and use our Word template while formatting your paper. You can simply copy and paste your information into our template. It is the simplest and best way to format your manuscript.