
Content Features

Research Articles

Full length articles are based on original research not exceeding 7,500 words--not including references, notes, and an abstract of up to 300 words. We encourage the use of tables, figures, models, and pictures.

Crib Notes

The crib note feature is comprised of brief articles up to 3,000 words--not including references, notes, and an abstract of up to 100 words—that are intended to stimulate ideas or discussion, especially if they relate to theoretical perspectives not traditionally represented in the ecological or anthropological literature. In general, these are intended to make available a novel concept or framework, or offer a novel take on an existing concept to a broad audience. Citations credit those responsible for the antecedent ideas relied upon and any data used should serve as an example of the application of the concept rather than as a case study or a research report.

Data Notes

This feature provides an opportunity for authors to explore the implications of ethnographic data regarding human-environment relations through analyses that are provocative or preliminary in nature. Data notes need not address theoretical questions, but should present novel data and related methodology in a brief communication of up to 3,000 words--not including references, notes, and an abstract of up to 100 words.

Field Notes

In this feature researchers are encouraged to share their experiences in the field or otherwise applying ecological anthropology in 3,000 words or less—not including references, notes and an abstract of up to 100 words. Subjects include critiques of qualitative and quantitative field techniques, dealing with logistics and bureaucracies, ethical dilemmas, managing relationships with ethnographic informants, travel tips, or any topic that may be helpful to the field work of others.

Book Reviews

We encourage readers to submit reviews of approximately 1,500 words in length of books published within the last two years that may be of interest to our readership. Contact the book review editor for more information.

The Last Bite

In keeping with the mission of JEA to stimulate dialogue and discussion, we may include one page of visually engaging critique in the form of satire, cartoons, spoof advertisements, poetry, or photo essays–we're open to ideas! The humor can be sarcastic and/or self reflexive, but we will not publish any humor that is at the expense of an individual or particular field of inquiry, as this would undermine the interdisciplinary nature of our journal.