Volume 37, Issue 3 (2008) Special Issue: Paleoclimate
Report of a three-year monitoring programme at Heshang Cave, Central China
Chaoyong Hu, Gideon M. Henderson, Junhua Huang, Zhenghong Chen, and Kathleen R. Johnson
The environmental features of the Monte Corchia cave system (Apuan Alps,
central Italy) and their effects on speleothem growth
L. Piccini, G. Zanchetta, R. N. Drysdale, J. Hellstrom, I. Isola, A. E. Fallick, G. Leone, M. Doveri, M. Mussi, F. Mantelli, G. Molli, L. Lotti, A. Roncioni, E. Regattieri, M. Meccheri, and L. Vaselli
Palaeoclimate research in Villars Cave (Dordogne, SW-France)
Dominique Genty
Annually laminated speleothems: a review
Andy Baker, Claire L. Smith, Catherine Jex, Ian J. Fairchild, Dominique Genty, and Lisa Fuller
Environmental monitoring in the Mechara caves, Southeastern Ethiopia:
implications for speleothem palaeoclimate studies
Asfawossen Asrat, Andy Baker, Melanie J. Leng, John Gunn, and Mohammed Umer
Monitoring climatological, hydrological and geochemical parameters in the
Père Noël cave (Belgium): implication for the interpretation of speleothem
isotopic and geochemical time-series
Sophie Verheyden, Dominique Genty, Guy Deflandre, Yves Quinif, and Eduard Keppens