Volume 12, Issue 1/4 (1982)
Cover and Front Matter
Stenasellus chapmani n. sp. Crustacea Isopoda Asellota des eaux souterraines de Bornéo (Sarawak)
Guy Magniez
Observations on the biology of cave planarians of the United States
Jerry H. Carpenter
Absolute population censuses of cave-dwelling crickets: congruence between mark-recapture and plot density estimates
Gianmaria Carchini, Mauro Rampini, and Valerio Sbordoni
Paramexiweckelia, a new genus of subterranean amphipod crustacean (Hadziidae) from Northern Mexico
John R. Holsinger
Lamtobathynella pentodonta n.g., n.sp., Leptobathynellidé nouveau d'Afrique (Côte d'lvoire) (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea)
Eugène Serban and Nicole Coineau
A contribution to the knowledge of the invertebrate cave faunas of Venezuela: Invertebrate faunas of tropical American caves, part 4
Stewart B. Peck
Three groundwater Candoninae (Ostracoda) from Romania
Dan L. Danielopol