The Cotumba-Sita-Tǎtaru Sandstones of Teleajen Unit (Upper Aptian – Albian) are relatively well exposed in the Teleajen Valley (Prahova County, Romania), as predominantly thick and massive sandstone beds. Other facies occurring in the study area include sandstones with several sedimentary structures (e.g., parallel lami- nation, ripples, convolution), siltstones and mudstones. Almost 200 m long outcrop gives great opportunity for sedimentological study focusing on deep-marine facies and interpretation of exposed deposits. A sedimentological study of the facies and stacking patters suggest that these rocks were deposited in relatively shallow depositional channels with levees and interchannel areas.
Recommended Citation
Strba, Lubomir
Deep-marine channel deposits of Cotumba-Sita-Tǎtaru Sandstones, Teleajen Valley, Romania (East Carpathian Flysch Zone),
Studia UBB Geologia
(2): 27-34
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/1937-8602.57.2.3
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