

In Early Pontian deposits from Batoţi (Mehedinţi county) has been described a macroflora formed, until now, of 35 taxa, many other being in course of determination. By this paper the floristic epitome is filled with other 10 taxa: Pinus sp. binae, Magnolia sp. aff. M. acuminata Linné, Sassafras subtriloba (Konno) Tanai et Onoe, Ostrya sp. aff. O. virginiana (Miller) C. Koch, Castanea gigas (Goepp.) Iljinsk., Quercus cf. meuhlenbergii Engelmann, Juglans acuminata Al. Braun, Acer tricuspidatum Bronn, A. cf. campestre L. and Berchemia multinervis (Al. Br.) Heer. The stage of knowledge of the Pontian flora from Batoţi contains 45 taxa. Trough the listed taxa the degree of confidence of the paleoecologycal and paleophytocenotical rendering grows.
