Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department

Womens Studies

Major Professor

Michelle Hughes Miller, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Elizabeth Hordge Freeman, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jill McCracken, Ph.D.


Commercial sexual exploitation of children, racialized gender, critical race feminism, intersectionality, nonprofit organization, agency


In this thesis, I use feminist ethnography at a nonprofit organization to analyze the racialized gender in (re)integration of victim-survivors of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Critical race feminism and intersectionality are the theoretical frameworks to guide the analysis of community advocacy. The analysis considers two themes with various subsections that capture CSEC at the site. The first theme analyzes the definition, challenges, coordination and rhetoric of reintegration at the site. The second theme highlights the site’s racial identity, Black victimhood of victim-survivors of CSEC in the context of community, and racialized gender within reintegration. I discuss the strategic use of colorblindness within reintegration at the NGO and the child/adult dichotomy that shapes the organization’s understanding of CSEC.
