George Willett: May 28, 1879-august 2, 1945
Hildegarde Howard
Nesting of the Band-tailed Pigeon in Colorado
John A. Neff and R. J. Niedrach
Notes on the Winter Birds of Attu
George Miksch Sutton and Rowland S. Wilson
Notes and News
The Condor
Publications Reviewed
The Condor
Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings
The Condor
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
From Field and Study
Breeding Habits of Megapodes on Simbo, Central Solomon Islands
Charles G. Sibley
Snow Bunting on the Oregon Coast
Harold E. Broadbooks
A Record of the Snow Bunting in California
William H. Sholes
Late Nesting of Caspian Tern in Utah
Clarence Cottam
Red-naped Sapsucker in Santa Clara County, California
James G. Peterson
The Starling Arrives in Oregon
Charles W. Quaintance
Swainson Hawks Working on Grasshoppers Again
Walter P. Taylor
Notes on Bird Mortality during Nocturnal Thunderstorms near College Station, Texas
Randolph L. Peterson and Bryan P. Glass
Shrikes in the Humboldt Bay Area, California
Robert R. Talmadge
Pigeon Hawk Breeding in Utah
Col. L. Wolfe
The Second Specimen of the Oriental Hobby from the Solomon Islands
Charley G. Sibley