Introductory text for Condor.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 102, Issue 4 (2000)
Nine Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Effects on Marine Bird Populations in Prince William Sound, Alaska
David B. Irons, Steven J. Kendall, Wallace P. Erickson, Lyman L. Mcdonald, and Brian K. Lance
Breeding and Post-breeding Habitat Use by Forest Migrant Songbirds in the Missouri Ozarks
Rich W. Pagen, Frank R. Iii, and Dirk E. Burhans
Breeding Bird Abundance in Bottomland Harwood Forests: Habitat, Edge, and Patch Size Effects
Re Sallabanks, Jeffrey R. Walters, and Jaime A. Collazo
Breeding Bird Communities in Boreal Forest of Western Canada: Consequences of Unmixing" the Mixedwoods"
Keith A. Hobson and Erin Bayne
Allozymic Genetic Structure and Natural Habitat Fragmentation: Date for Five Species of Amazonian Forest Birds
John M. Bates
Characteristics of Foraging Habitats and Chick Food Provisioning by Tropical Roseate Terns
Jaime A. Ramos
Contrasting Strategies of Provisioning and Chick Growth in Two Sympatrically Breeding Albatrosses at Campbell Island, New Zealand
Susan M. Waugh, Henri Weimerskirch, Ayes Cherel, and Peter A. Prince
Reproductive Success of American Kestrels: the Role of Prey Abundance and Weather
Russell D. Dawson and Gary R. Bortolotti
Nesting Habitat and Reproductive Success of Southwestern Riparian Birds
Brian F. Powell and Robert J. Steidl
Pair Formation and Copulation Behavior in Least Flycatcher Clusters
Scott A. Tarof and Laurence M. Ratcliffe
Artificial Nest Predation and Abundance of Birds along an Urban Gradient
Jukka Jokimaki and Esa Huhta
Patterns of Flock Size, Diet, and Vigilance of Naturalized Monk Parakeets in Hyde Park, Chicago
Jason M. South and Stephen Pruett-Jones
Do Band-tailed Pigeons Seek a Calcium Supplement at Mineral Sites
Tood A. Sanders and Robert L. Jarvis
A Molecular Phylogeny of the Dove Genus Zenaida: Mitochondrial and Nuclear Dna Sequences
Kevin P. Johnson and Dale H. Clayton
Mitochondrial Dna and Morphological Variation of White-winged Doves in Texas
Christin L. Pruett, Scott E. Henke, Susan M. Tanksley, Michael F. Small, Kelly M. Hogan, and Jay Roberson
Species Limits and Recent Population History in the Curve-billed Thrasher
Robert M. Zink and Rachelle C. Blackwell-Rago
A Comparison of Point Counts and Sound Recording as Bird Survey Methods in Amazonian Southeast Peru
John Haselmayer and James S. Quinn
Definitive Prebasic Molt of Gray Catbirds at Two Sites in New England
Colleen Dwyer Heise and Christopher C. Rimmer
Book Reviews
The Condor
News and Notes
The Condor
Award Announcements
The Condor
Reviewers for Volume 102
The Condor
Index to Volume 102
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Short Communications
Cultural Diversification in the Flight Call of the Ringneck Parrot in Western Australia
Myron C. Baker
Pacific Coast and Southwest Interior Populations of the Hutton's Vireo Differ in Basic Song Parameters
Colette T. Baril and Jon C. Barlow
Comparison of Coastal Fringe and Interior Forests as Reserves for Marbled Murrelets on Vancouver Island
Alan E. Burger, Volker Bahn, and Angeline R. Tillmanns
Correlates of Harlequin Duck Densities during Winter in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Daniel Esler, Timothy D. Bowman, Thomas A. Dean, Charles E. O'Clair, Stephen C. Jewett, and Lyman L. Mcdonald
Effects of Hatching Date and Egg Size on Growth, Recruitment, and Adult Size of Lesser Scaup
Russell D. Dawson and Robert G. Clark
Effects of Water Conditions on Clutch Size, Egg Volume, and Hatchling Mass of Mallards and Gadwalls in the Prairie Pothole Region
Pamela J. Pietz, Gary L. Krapu, Deporah A. Buhl, and David A. Brandt
Reproductive Success and Survival in Relation to Experience during the First Two Years in Canada Geese
Dennis G. Raveling, James S. Sedinger, and Devin S. Johnson
Impact of Brood Parasitism on Nest Survival Parameters and Seasonal Fecundity of Six Songbird Species in Southeastern Old-field Habitat
Maria A. Whitehead, Sara H. Schwettzer, and William Post
Roost Site Selection of Great Horned Owls in Relation to Black Fly Activity: an Anti-parasite Behavior?
Christoph Rohner, Charles J. Krebs, D. Bruce Hunter, and Douglas C. Currie
Observations of the Pale-eyed Blackbird in Southeastern Peru
Gordon H. Orians and Elizabeth N. Orians
Sociality and Foraging Behavior of the Cerulean Warbler in Venezuelan Shade-coffee Plantations
Jason Jones, Paolo Ramoni Perazzi, Erin H. Carruthers, and Raleigh J. Robertson