Bars in Flight Feather
Harold Michenerephine Michener
An Hour in the Life of a Broad-tailed Hummingbird
A. M. Woodbury and John W. Sugden
Another Jay Shoot in California
Emmet T. Hooper
Highlights of Ornithological Work in Utah
William H. Behle
Notes and News
The Condor
Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings
The Condor
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
From Field and Study
Feeding Behavior of a Red Phalarope
Charles W. Michael
New Bird Records for Brewster County, Texas
Adrey E. Borell
Red Phalarope at Benicia, California
Emerson A. Stoner
Early Nesting Record of the Coast Bush-tit
Wilson C. Hanna
Nesting Dates from the Humboldt Bay Region
John M. Davis
White Throated Sparrow Killed by Copperhead
William B. Davis
American Scoter in the San Francisco Bay Region
Robert T. Orr
Reddish Egret Again Seen near San Diego
R. R. Delareuelle
A Migratory Flock of Ibises in Utah
William H. Behle
The Brewer Sparrow in Glenn County, California
Lloyd G. Ingles
Additions to the Brewster County, Texas, Bird List
James O. Stevenson and Tarleton F. Smith
Florida Gallinule on the Suisun Marshes
Emerson A. Stoner
Does the Ouzel Use Its Wings in Swimming?
Charles W. Michael
Harris Sparrow at Buena Park, California
John Mcb. Robertson
Cowbirds in Western Nevada
Deyden Kuser
Hutton Vireo with Young in February
E. M. Hall