The Bird Life of Lake Bowdoin, Montana
Winton Weydemeyer and V. L. Marsh
The Hunter in Southern California Versus Wild Animal Life
W. Lee Chambers
Description of a New Race of Carpodacus Mexicanus
Robert T. Moore
Eagle Control in Northern California"
Frederick H. Dale
A New Fossil Bird Locality near Playa Del Rey, California, with Description of a New Species of Sulid
Hildegarde Howard
Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings
Sidney B. Peyton, Hilda W. Grinnell, and William H. Behle
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
From Field and Study
Community Nesting of Western Robins and House Finches
Alfred M. Bailey and Robert J. Niedrach
The Mockingbird in North Dakota
Norman A. Wood
Ft. Lowell, Arizona
Loye Miller
Status of the Marbled Godwit in Arizona
Allan R. Phillips
Occurrence of the California Clapper Rail Away from Marshes
Jean M. Linsdale
Unusual Nesting Site of the Eastern Kingbird
Lincoln Ellison
Two New Records for Zion National Park, Utah
C. C. Presnall
Observations on the Food of the Duck Hawk
Richard M. Bond
Records of Two Species New to Arizona
James L. Peters
Tribulations of Thorn-dwellers
Alden H. Miller
A Pacific Golden Plover Reaches California
J. Grinnell
California Thrasher Nesting on the Mohave Desert
Wilson C. Hanna
The Present Status of the Great Salt Lake Bird Colonies
William H. Behle
An Albinistic Arizona Hooded Oriole
Robert S. Woods
Notes and News
W. Lee Chambers (portrait)
The Condor