Nesting of the Wandering Tattler
Joseph S. Dixon
Ages of House Finches Trapped during February, 1933, at Pasadena, California
Harold Michenerephine Michener
Items from an Oologist's Notebook
John G. Tyler
Further Notes on the Birds Parasitized by the Red-eyed Cowbird
Herbert Friedmann
Geographic Variation in the Northern Water-thrushes
Thomas T. Mccabs and Alden H. Miller
Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings
Hilda W. Grinnell, Harold Michener, and Laura B. Law
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
From Field and Study
Magpie Spends Winter at Florence Lake
Lila M. Lofberg
The California Spotted Owl in Yosemite Valley, California
Charles W. Michael
Water-thrush in Altadena, California
Jacob B. Abbott
The Vaux Swift at Whittier, California
S. A. Watson
Some Subsistence Items of Western Burrowing Owls
Emerson A. Stoner
European Widgeon Recorded from Lower California
Clinton G. Abbott
Electrocution of Purple Martins
A. H. Anderson
White Mountain Fox Sparrow in Arizona
Laurence M. Huey
House Finch Parasitized by Dwarf Cowbird and Black Phoebe Nests Occupied by House Finch
Wilson C. Hanna
The Black Vulture in Arizona
Walter P. Taylor and Charles T. Vorhies
The Skeleton of the Guadeloupe Caracara
Alexander Wetmore
A Census of Birds' Nests
Ernest I. Dyer