Use of Arboreal Termitaria by Nesting Birds in the Peruvian Amazon
Donald J. Brightsmith
Use of Two Song Categories by Golden-cheeked Warblers
Jeffrey S. Bolsinger
Does Beak Size Affect Acoustic Frequencies in Woodcreepers?
Maria G. Palacios and Pablo L. Tubaro
Numerical and Functional Responses of Migrant Bald Eagles Exploiting a Seasonally Concentrated Food Source
Marco Restani, Alan R. Harmata, and Elizabeth M. Madden
The Diet of the Magnificent Frigatebird during Chick Rearing
Itzia Calixto-Albarran and Jose-Luis Osorco
Nocturnal and Diurnal Foraging Activity of Hawaiian Albatrosses Detected with a New Immersion Monitor
Patricia Fernandez and David J. Anderson
Effects of Forest Fragment Size and Successional Stage on Mixed-species Bird Flocks in Southeastern Brazil
Marcos Maldonado-Coelho and Miguel A. Marini
The Spatial Response of Male Hooded Warblers to Edges in Isolated Fragments
D. Ryan Norris, Bridget J. Stutchbury, and Trevor E. Pitcher
Demography of a Declining Population of Warbling Vireos in Coastal California
Thomas Gardali, Grant Ballard, Nadav Nur, and Geoffrey R. Geupel
Molt of the Gray Vireo
Gary Voelker
Nesting Effort of Northern Pintails in Alberta
Karla L. Guyn and Robert G. Clark
Interactive Effects of Vegetation and Predators on the Success of Natural and Simulated Nests of Grassland Songbirds
Nancy Dion, Keith A. Hobson, and Serge Lariviere
Seasonal Energetics of Mountain Chickadees and Juniper Titmice
Sheldon J. Cooper
Water Balance during Real and Simulated Long-distance Migratory Flight in the Bar-tailed Godwit
Meta M. Landys, Theunis Piersma, G. Henk Visser, Joop Jukema, and Arnold Wijker
Comparative Seasonal Fecundity of Four Neotropical Migrants in Middle Appalachia
Jennifer A. Dececco, Matthew R. Marshall, Alan B. Williams, George A. Gale, and Robert J. Cooper
Winter Flocking of Insectivorous Birds in Montane Pine-oak Forests in Middle America
David I. King and John H. Rappole
Book Review
The Condor
News and Notes
The Condor
Dispersal Behavior: an Ornithological Frontier
Jeffrey R. Walters
Inbreeding Depression and Its Effects on Natal Dispersal in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers
Susan J. Daniels and Jeffrey R. Walters
Natal Dispersal in the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker
Walter D. Koenig, Philip N. Hooge, Mark T. Stanback, and Joseph Haydock
Recruitment, Dispersal, and Demographic Rescue in Spatially-structured White-tailed Ptarmigan Populations
Kathy Martin, Peter B. Stacey, and Clait E. Braun
Seasonal Migration and Genetic Population Structure in House Wrens
Nidia Arguedas and Patricia G. Parker
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Short Communications
Responses of Birds to Broken Eggs in Their Nests
Mark L. Mallory, Wallace B. Rendell, and Raleigh J. Robertson
Brain, Eye, and Skull Growth in Embryonic Geese
Uwe Gille, Frank Zachen, and Franz-Viktor Salomon
Cloacal Microbes in House Sparrows
Reuven Stewart and T. Birch Rambo
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antibodies in Eider Ducks and Herring Gulls
Tuula Hollmen, J. Christian Franson, Douglas E. Docherty, Mikael Kilpi, Martti Hario, Lynn H. Creekmore, and Margaret R. Petersen
Rapd-pcr Amplification of Dna Extracted from Avian Blood Infected with Haemoproteus Fails to Produce False Positive Markers
Patrick W. Zwartjes and John A. Hinda
Satellite Tracking of Cory's Shearwater Migration
Dietrich Ristow, Peter Berthold, Dean Hashmi, and Ulrich Querner
Effects of Sampling Design on Age Ratios of Migrants Captured at Stopover Sites
Jeffrey E. Kelly and Deborah M. Finch
Time-activity Budgets of Harlequin Ducks Molting in the Gannet Islands, Labrador
Peter A. Adams, Gregory J. Robertson, and Ian L. Jones
Relationship Between Tail Color Pattern and Reproductive Success, Mate Acquisition and Nest Predation in Rufous Bush Chats
Fernando Alvarez
A New Hybrid Warbler (dendroica Nigrescens X D. Occidentalis) and Diagnosis of Similar D. Townsendi X D. Occidentalis Recombinants
Sievert Rohwer, Christopher Wood, and Eldredge Bermingham