Vocal Signals of the Village Weaver: a Spectrographic Key and the Communication Code
Nicholas E. Collias
Sound Design for Vocalizations: Quality in the Woods, Consistency in the Fields
Timothy J. Brown and Paul Handford
Song Post and Foraging Site Characteristics of Breeding Varied Thrushes in Northwestern California
Maurie J. Beck and T. Luke George
Post-release Survival of Hand-reared and Parent-reared Mississippi Sandhill Cranes
David H. Ellis, George F. Gee, Scott G. Hereford, Glenn H. Olsen, T. David Chisolm, Jane M. Nicolich, Kathleen A. Sullivan, Nancy J. Thomas, Meenakshi Nagendran, and Jeff S. Hatfield
Behavior, Diet, and Breeding Biology of Double-toothed Kites at a Guatemalan Lowland Site
Mark D. Schulze, Jose Luis Cordova, Nanthaniel E. Seavy, and David E. Whitacre
Partial Migration, and Lek and Nesting Area Fidelity in Female Great Bustards
Juan C. Alonso, Manuel B. Morales, and Javier A. Alonso
Survival, Emigration, and Winter Population Structure of Harlequin Ducks
Fred Cooke, Gregory J. Robertson, Cyndi M. Smith, R. Ian Goudie, and W. Sean Boyd
Seasonal Movements and Pelagic Habitat Use of Murres and Puffins Determined by Satellite Telemetry
Scott A. Hatch, Paul M. Meyers, Danial M. Mulcahy, and David C. Douglas
Survival Rates of Cassin's and Rhinoceros Auklets at Triangle Island, British Columbia
Douglas E. Bertram, Ian L. Jones, Evan G. Cooch, Hugh A. Knechtel, and Fred Cooke
Body Temperature and Resting Behavior of Greater Snow Goose Goslings in the High Arctic
Daniel Fortin, Gilles Gauthier, and Jacques Larochelle
Molecular Genetic Status of Aleutian Canada Geese from Buldir and the Semidi Islands, Alaska
Barbara J. Pierson, John M. Pearce, Sandra L. Talbot, Gerald F. Shields, and Kim T. Scribner
Book Reviews
The Condor
Information for Contributors
The Condor
Robert E. Ricklefs
Lack, Skutch, and Moreau: the Early Development of Life-history Thinking
Robert E. Ricklefs
Density Dependence, Evolutionary Optimization, and the Diversification of Avian Life Histories
Robert E. Ricklefs
A Tale of Two Strategies: Life-history Aspects of Family Strife
Scott Forbes and Douglas W. Mock
Endocrine Control of Life-cycle Stages: a Constraint on Response to the Environment?
Jerry D. Jacobs and John C. Wingfield
The Phylogenetic Approach to Avian Life Histories: an Important Complement to Within-population Studies
David W. Winkler
Back Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Front Matter (PDF)
The Condor
Short Communications
The Breeding System of the Orange-crowned Manakin
Jose Alvarez Alonson
Taxonomic Affinities of Audubon's Shearwater from Europa Island
Matthieu Le Corre
Difficulties Storing and Preserving Tyrant Flycatcher Blood Samples Used for Genetic Analyses
Kelvin E. Conrad, R.J. Robertson, and P.T. Boag
Winter Androgen Levels and Wattle Size in Male Common Pheasants
Anna Papeschi, Federica Briganti, and Francesco Dessi-Fulgheri
Following of Brown Capuchin Monkeys by White Hawks in French Guiana
Shuyi Zhang and Lixin Wang
Long-term Pair Bonds in Harlequin Ducks
Cyndi M. Smith, Fred Cooke, Gregory J. Robertson, R. Ian Goudie, and W. Sean Boyd
Breeding Biology of Gray-crowned Tyrannulet in the Monte Desert, Argentina
Eduardo T. Mezquida and Luis Marone
Foraging Site Selection by Nonbreeding White-faced Ibis
Rebecca J. Safran, Mark A. Colwell, Craig R. Isola, and Oriane E. Taft
Sex and Age Determination of Short - Eared Owl Nestlings
Beatriz E. Arroyo, Thomas Decornulier, and Vincent Bretagnolle
Population Declines of King and Common Eiders of the Beaufort Sea
Rober S. Suydam, D. Lynne Dickson, Janey B. Fadely, and Lori T. Quakenbush
Faunal Remains in California Condor Nest Caves
Paul W. Collins, Noel F.R. Snyder, and Steven D. Emslie
Body Weight and Feather Growth of Male Barrow's Goldeneye during Wing Molt
Debbie Van Wetering and Fred Cooke
Copulation Behavior, Mate Guarding, and Paternity in the Semipalmated Plover
Yuri Zharikov and Erica Nol
Rufous Hummingbird Sucrose Preference: Precision of Selection Varies with Concentration
Charle R. Blem, Leann B. Blem, Joel Felix, and Jennifer Van Gelder