Active Learning: What is it and how can I do it?
POY 234 - Distance Learning Studio
Start Date
17-8-2017 2:00 PM
End Date
17-8-2017 2:50 PM
Active learning is not new. John Dewey stated, "The Teacher and the book are no longer the only instructors; the hands, the eyes, the ears, in fact the whole body, become sources of information, while teacher and textbook become respectively the starter and the tester."
Join us for this session to discover what active learning is and discover some great examples of how you can implement the process in your class no matter what discipline you teach!
Active Learning: What is it and how can I do it?
POY 234 - Distance Learning Studio
Active learning is not new. John Dewey stated, "The Teacher and the book are no longer the only instructors; the hands, the eyes, the ears, in fact the whole body, become sources of information, while teacher and textbook become respectively the starter and the tester."
Join us for this session to discover what active learning is and discover some great examples of how you can implement the process in your class no matter what discipline you teach!
RSVP HERE for all events (NetID sign-in required).