3D Biological Specimens
The Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Collections is implementing tactics to engage students and encourage active and innovative learning and knowledge sharing. This fully downloadable 3D collection was developed by Lori Collins, Ph.D. and Travis Doering, Ph.D. (Principal Investigators) with Jorge Gonzalez, Lead 3D Specialist, and Noelia Garcia, 3D Specialist. The collection features significant biological specimens complete with annotations, optimized for use with Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR), and models can be downloaded, 3D printed, embedded to course websites, and shared through a Creative Commons license. These resources can be easily integrated into the classroom to facilitate new teaching, interaction, and learning methods. Many of these collection items come from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI). Through a partnership with the FWRI, the USF CDHGI is 3D scanning and imaging specimens to make available Florida biodiversity collections. These collections are used by scientists and students as guides to identify species and as sources for research and educational sharing.
Additional collection contributions of note: Joe Conrad, past team member, photogrammetry; Jasmine Jakubowicz, an undergraduate researcher in the CDHGI, photography.
Collection Tags: Nature, Science, Marine Biology, 3D Digital Collections, Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida, Gulf of Mexico.
3D Model, Acropora Species Coral
Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information
The genus Acropora contains more than 149 species of coral, a diverse type of reef-building coral. This piece was part of an illicit collection later donated to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI). This project to 3D scan and make available Florida biodiversity collections is part of a collaboration between FWRI and the USF CDHGI.
3D Model, Horse Conch
Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information
The horse conch, Triplofusus giganteus, is Florida’s state shell. Horse Conchs can become large, growing to almost 2-ft. long in marine waters of the state. They are the largest gastropod in American waters, and the shells are popular with collectors as they are sturdy and often found complete.
3D Model, Murex Snail
Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information
Hausetellum bellegladeense - Collaboration is underway to digitally preserve biological collections with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) and the USF Center for Digital Humanities and Innovation (CDHGI). This specimen underwent Structured Light laser scanning and image texture mapping as part of a 3D digitization program for the Florida Biodiversity Collections. These collections serve as important resources for scientists and students, aiding in identifying animals, providing research materials, and supporting educational exhibits. Family: Muricidae Species: Haustellum bellegladeense (Vokes, 1963) Field specimen no.: EJ66433 Accession no.: I62374 ID: W.G. Lyons & Thomas L. Dix.
3D Model, Nurse Shark Jaw
Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information
Collaboration to digitize biological collections with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) and the USF CDHGI. Structured Light laser scanning and image texture mapping of this specimen were performed as part of a 3D digitization program for the Florida Biodiversity Collections. These collections are used by scientists and students as guides to identify animals collected during research and used as sources for research material and educational exhibits. Accession Information - FSBC-812- Small Jaw. Ginglymostoma cirratum, Chordata, Elasmobranchii, Orectolobiformes, Ginglymostomatidae, Ginglymostoma, cirratum. Collected from an angler on 09-06-1958, caught at John's Pass on Madeira Beach, Pinellas County, Florida. The specimen was identified as being 48.5" long and as a female.
3D Model, Sea Urchin Skeleton
Center for Digital Heritage and Geospatial Information
Schizaster orbignyanus - Collaboration to digitize biological collections with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) and the USF CDHGI. Structured Light laser scanning and image texture mapping used. Species: Schizaster orbignyanus Family: Schizasteridae Field No. EJ-X-23 Collected in 1968 near Dry Tortugas, Florida. Accession no. FSBC I 6462. Collected by D. Keith Serafy.