Combining Writing Assessment Practices to Enhance Their Effectiveness

Presenter Information

Nelli Cirineo

Presentation Type


Start Date

9-29-2020 11:00 AM

End Date

9-29-2020 11:50 AM


Peer-review, self-review, and the instructor’s feedback in English writing courses can be more effective if they are combined.


Summary: The positive impact of peer- and self-evaluation practices in writing courses are widely recognized. Peer feedback is commonly valued for building interactive and social class environment and popular among faculty managing a large number of students. Self-assessment skills build habits of drafting and revising that are critical for on-going improvement of student writing. However, implementation of these instructional methods in class can be challenging as they require a lot of time for preparation and execution. Moreover, recent studies discuss the selective nature of these assessment practices that work differently for learners with low-, middle and high levels of writing ability. What teaching strategies can increase the overall effectiveness of assessment practices to help different learners become better writers? Combining peer-review, self-review and the instructor’s feedback is one of the approaches that will be discussed in this session.


Feedback survey

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Sep 29th, 11:00 AM Sep 29th, 11:50 AM

Combining Writing Assessment Practices to Enhance Their Effectiveness

Peer-review, self-review, and the instructor’s feedback in English writing courses can be more effective if they are combined.