Building Critical Thinking in Adult Learners through Reflective Writing

Presenter Information

Patricia Nereim, Keiser University

Presentation Type



University Student Center Ballrooms 1 & 2


Reflective writing builds critical thinking skills by causing students to examine experiences or to interact with an object to create awareness and new meaning. The purpose of the poster is to show the reflective writing process that can be used in any course for any subject. Research completed about reflective writing is included as well as the four components of good reflection: identification description, significance, and implications. The four components are used as the foundation to explain the process of reflective writing. Adding to this, explanations and examples are included. The session includes how reflective writing develops critical thinking skills needed for success in careers and personal life. Relevant research is included to back the claims. Significant research about reflective writing goes back to the 1980s, but the idea of reflective practices is traced back to early stoic philosophers. Recent research shows the importance of reflective writing to adult learners. The research implications are important because many employers state students are graduating from colleges and universities with skills needed to complete the task, but the students lack the critical thinking skills needed for success and advancement within the company. Reflective writing is a common thread in many courses and is used to build critical thinking in business social science, general education, and medical courses.

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Building Critical Thinking in Adult Learners through Reflective Writing

University Student Center Ballrooms 1 & 2