Fire in the Flame! Maintaining Fire within a Chaotic World
Presentation Type
University Student Center Ballrooms 1 & 2
We will discuss the fire within, connecting to our inner nature to nurture ourselves while understanding our true power for a more balanced life. Nature is all around us, and it is also within all of us. Sensing and experiencing nature is critical to learn more about our external and internal world. Critical thinking extends far beyond the classroom and work environment, as it can lead us to a healthier lifestyle overall. By connecting with nature we learn much about ourselves and our culture, environment and society. We can find ways to be critical thinkers, while feeding our internal need to be creative beings. Finding ways to better understand the inner and outer worlds of nature will help us develop more nurturing skills for ourselves and our world. This discussion will focus on the element of fire, and how it can teach us many things in our lives. Understanding the force of fire will help to harness our inner flame that can at times wear us down, but also makes us roar! The fire within can put us out of balance if not properly attended to with intentional ways. We will discuss ways that fire can help us to lead a more balanced, loving and productive life.
Fire in the Flame! Maintaining Fire within a Chaotic World
University Student Center Ballrooms 1 & 2