
Author Biography

Jennifer Wilson is a professor of English at Appalachian State University and co-editor, with Elizabeth Kraft, of Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Henry Fielding (2015). Her recent work includes chapters in Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey: A Legacy to the World (2021) and Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade Across Languages, Cultures, and Media (2020).


The works of Anne Finch, a writer doubly exiled as a female poet and Jacobite, stand out as eminently teachable examples of a compelling political outsider view that provokes us to consider how we can better attend to perspectives of principled opposition. Her poems in response to what has been called the "first modern revolution," together with her odes upon the deaths of King James II and Queen Mary Beatrice, showcase the subversive power of indirect articulation, expressing values through emotions and affects in veiled forms such as allegory and alternate history.


Anne Finch, political, Jacobite, emotion, affect, passions, partisan, poetry, education
