Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-13-2024


ACL tear, ligament tears, musculoskeletal radiology, sports injury, MRI, ultrasound


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries severely compromise the quality of life in affected patients, so early detection of concurrent injuries is crucial for quicker rehabilitation and proper surgical treatment. Although injuries to the medial meniscus and medial collateral ligament are frequently linked to damage to the ACL, little is known about other important but underappreciated ligament lesions in individuals with ACL injury. The anterolateral ligament (ALL) is a less well-known lesion that presents tearing injuries in 32%-88% of patients with ACL tears in the same knee, with a higher prevalence in complete ACL tears. Despite their lower occurrence, ALL tears are often missed in initial imaging but occur more frequently than previously recognized. In order to enhance diagnosis and treatment results, this study seeks to raise awareness of the significance of preoperatively identifying simultaneous ALL lesions in knees with ACL injuries, address imaging problems associated with these lesions, and suggest improved imaging procedures. Improving radiologist awareness of these abnormalities can maximize patient recovery and increase diagnostic accuracy.
