Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

Jenifer J. Schneider, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Elizabeth Burke Hadley, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Patriann Smith, Ph.D.

Committee Member

John Ferron, Ph.D.


Literacy, Single Case Experimental Design, Text Features, Intermediate Readers


In this dissertation, I present the findings from the implementation of aninformational text reading comprehension intervention. Using a single-case multiple baselines across participants’ experimental design, I examined results from three small heterogeneous groups of three to four students during the literacy block in a suburban fourth-grade classroom in a large school district in the southeastern United States. I designed a multi-component intervention with explicit instruction of informational text features to investigate the impacts on intermediate students’ oral retell and main idea statements. My research was guided by the following questions: (1) To what extent does participation in ITMI improve fourth-grade students’ oral retell scores? (2) To what extent does participation in ITMI improve fourth-grade students’ main idea statement scores? (3) To what extent do fourth-grade students who are participating in ITMI demonstrate changes in their reading comprehension as measured with pretest and posttest assessment? The results inform efforts to increase informational text comprehension for students in the intermediate grades.
